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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 401 to 450 of 627 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
architectural anchor - Supporting Elements -
architectural drawing - projection -
architectural mirror tabernacle mirror wall mirror -
architectural pendant - Roof Elements -
Architectural Spaces - Building Components -
architrave - entablature -
archive archival collection Other Documents -
arcograph cyclograph drafting instrument -
area rug - rug -
areca nut cutter betel cutter; betel nut cutter Smoking & Recreational Drug Equipment -
arena - sports structure -
Argand burner - laboratory burner -
Argand lamp - oil lamp -
argentometer - hydrometer -
argyle gravy warmer Serving Vessels -
arm guard bracer weapon guard -
arm palette - palette -
arm sling - Personal Assistive Objects -
Armament Accessories & Components - Armaments -
armament bag - armament container -
armament belt - Armament Accessories & Components -
armament box - armament container -
armament case - armament container -
armament chest - armament container -
armament container - Armament Accessories & Components -
armament gauge - Armament Accessories & Components -
armament scraper racleur pour armes Armament Accessories & Components -
armament shell - Ammunition -
armament stabilizer barrel weight Armament Accessories & Components -
armament vise armament vice Armament Accessories & Components -
armament wrench - Armament Accessories & Components -
Armaments - Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology -
armature - Glass, Plastics & Clayworking T&E (blank subclass) -
armband - Clothing Accessories & Components
armband. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
armchair arm chair chair
armchair. Pearson Scott Foresman, Wikimedia Commons
armet - plate helmet -
armilla - regalia -
armillary sphere - celestial globe -
armlet arm jewelry; armil jewelry
armlet. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
armoire - wardrobe -
armor - Body Armor -
armor breastplate breastplate Body Armor -
armor plate - Body Armor -
armor-piercing bullet - bullet -
armored car - delivery truck -
armory - Defense Structures -
arms locker - armament container -
arms pouch - armament container -
arms rack - armament container -
arpillera - embroidery -

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