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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 1,901 to 1,950 of 1,973 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
suture - surgical instrument -
suturing needle - surgical needle -
swab - Medical Accessories & Components -
swaddling band - restraint -
swag festoon Window & Door Coverings (blank subclass) -
swage swedge Metalworking T&E (blank subclass) -
swage hammer - metalworking hammer -
swagger stick - regalia -
swamp hook - logging hook -
swampscott dory Chamberlain dory dory -
swatch - sales sample -
sweat hood - animal covering -
sweat scraper - animal grooming tool -
sweatband - frontlet -
sweater - Main Garments -
sweater clip - clothing clip -
sweater dress - dress -
sweatpants sweat pants pants -
sweatshirt - shirt -
sweatsuit sweat suit; track suit; tracksuit suit -
sweep - Power Producing Equipment -
sweep oar sweep oar -
sweep rake buck rake; bull rake; hay-bunching rake hay rake -
sweetmeat dish - serving dish -
sweetmeat glass - dessert glass -
sweetmeat stand - serving stand -
swift - yarn winder -
swim fin - water recreation device -
swim goggles - water recreation device -
swim mask - water recreation device -
swimbait - lure -
swimming pool - sports structure -
swine house hog house; pig house Agricultural Structures -
swing - playground device -
swing bridge - moveable bridge -
swinging gate - playground device -
switch - Percussive Weapons -
switch iron - Rail Transportation Accessories & Components -
switch key - Rail Transportation Accessories & Components -
switch plate - escutcheon -
switchblade knife - weapon knife -
swivel flag swivel Mechanical Devices -
swivel chair - chair -
swivel gun - Artillery -
swivel hook - hook -
swivel jaw tongs - metalworking tongs -
swivel loom - loom -
swizzle stick - stirrer -
sword - Edged Weapons
sword. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
sword bayonet - bayonet -

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