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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 1 to 50 of 165 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
kachina - religious symbol -
kaffiyeh - kerchief -
Kahn test apparatus - Biological T&E (blank subclass) -
kaleidoscope polygonoscope optical toy -
kamelaukion - vestment -
kas - wardrobe -
kayak - canoe -
kazoo - woodwind instrument -
keel - watercraft component -
keeler - food preparation container -
keelson - watercraft component -
keg - Containers (blank subclass) -
kennel - animal enclosure -
kepi - military cap -
keratome - surgical knife -
kerchief headkerchief headcloth -
kerosene can kerosine can Housekeeping Equipment -
kerosene cookstove kerosine cookstove cookstove -
kerosene heater kerosine heater heater -
kerosene lamp coal-oil lamp; kerosine lamp; petroleum lamp; shale oil lamp; shale-oil lamp lamp
kerosene lamp. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
kerosene lantern coal-oil lantern; kerosine lantern; petroleum lantern; shale oil lantern; shale-oil lantern lantern
kerosene lantern. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
kerosene torch kerosine torch blowtorch -
ketch - sailboat -
kettle bucket boiler; fireplace pot; hearth pot; water boiler cookware
kettle. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
kettle hat - plate helmet -
ketubah - Religious Objects -
key - security device
key. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
key blank - metal blank -
key board - Storage & Display Accessories & Components -
key bugle orphicleide bugle -
key cabinet key box cabinet
key cabinet. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects

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